Cubs Update Autumn 2019


Cubs are currently sitting at 35. Last term 3 Cubs departed, 1 during term and 2 did not return in September. One also left to Scouts and we gained 5 beavers. We also gained a new Cub from the waiting list.

After Christmas we will lose 5 Cubs to Scouts and gain 7 from Beavers taking us up to a total of 37.


We have gained 2 new leaders this term, parents of a Cub from the waiting list, both of whom are settling in well and already proving to be helpful hands.

We also have a regular parent helper who is looking at potentially doing something more.

Helen has now gained her camping permit which should help to plan more camps in the future. She is also applying for her archery permit before Christmas.


This term we have been doing a lot of badge work, focusing on our skills and national celebrations and events.

The term started with a badgework show and tell and an artist evening where the Cubs did lots of bits of extra work to finish off their badges. During artist week, we tested different mediums for creating poster and artwork as part of our other badges.

We have done 2 sessions of emergency aid and most of the Cubs are now on their level 2, with many mastering CPR. We also worked on our digital skills with some stop motion animation and we have recognised some budding future animators in our midst.

We had a visit from the local vet who discussed pet care with the Cubs and brought in some animals for them to see and also had a visit from the education officer at Amey Waterbeach Waste management who talked about recycling, reusing and reducing waste in our houses.

Cubs came out in force for trick or eat and covered a large part of the village very quickly. We also attended remembrance parade and the Cubs learnt all about animals affected by war, making purple poppies to wear to the parade.

Finally, we finished the term with a large Christmas party, well attended and enjoyed by all!


The Cubs had 2 camps away this term. Both held on the same weekend the first one on Friday night (which was meant to be a campout but the site was flooded) was our first Sixer and Seconder night away. The Sixers and Seconders worked on their team working and leadership skills and 2 Cubs managed to complete their Chief Scout Silver after attending. Many congratulations to them!

The second evening we had 8 Cubs from Papworth and 8 from Fenstanton and Hilton join together at the district swimming gala. Entering 3 teams, one Papworth, 1 F&H and 1 mixed team into the gala great fun was had by all! Whilst not gaining any trophies all Cubs had a blast and did themselves proud! The Cubs who attended were then treated to a pizza party at Copley afterwards with Dominoes pizza on the menu.

Next term

Whilst details of our meetings next term are still to be decided we already have some events planned into the diary. Cubs will be taking a Scuba Diving lesson in January at a pool in South Cambridge with 20 Cubs already signed up to attend.

We are also looking at visiting Duxford in February to complete our air activities badge and are looking for a date to visit the new ice rink in Cambridge.

Badges Awarded

257 with 81 to award

3 Cubs gained their Chief Scout Silver awards