Cubs are currently sitting at 37. At Easter we will lose 3 Cubs to Scouts and gain 3 from Beavers. We will also lose 1 Cub who is moving out of the area
We are losing 2 leaders after Easter as their children leave Cubs. Given numbers we are looking for more leaders to run successfully. We will be holding 2 Bring an Adult nights next term and running the 4 week challenge to encourage more to join.
We also have a regular parent helper who is looking at doing a DBS and potentially something more.
This term has been busy with Cubs getting lots of new experiences.
We introduced new behaviour policies and adult management strategies to manage the behaviour of the pack. This appears to be improving although we will need to review management after losing leaders.
Cubs celebrated Chinese New Year with one of our parents helping for Cubs to experience Chinese crafts and culture. We ran a photography evening complete with photo booth and introduced Cubs to basic map reading, bearings and using compasses. Cubs are using this term to work on their community impact badge and are choosing to help refuges as their project which we expect to continue into next term.
Outside of our regular meeting place we have been roller skating in St Ives and visited Duxford Imperial War Museum in which all Cubs gained their Air activities level 2 badge!
We also had 6 Cubs attend the UniHoc and Football Competition with the Crafts Hill district in Swavesey where they performed incredibly well, proudly representing the pack. Hopefully we can continue this next year!
103 awarded with 76 to award