Cubs Update Summer 2019


We currently have 36 Cubs in the pack. In September, 1 Cub moved up to Scouts and 2 who did not return after the Summer. We gained 5 Cubs from Beavers and 2 new Cubs whose parents have volunteered with the Group. We have gained 2 new leaders and potentially 2 new Occasional helpers

Chief Scout Silver

We have had 2 Cubs Achieve this award in the last term with 5 on the verge of doing so.

June and July

The Cubs ended their year with finishing off our pioneer’s badge and visiting the water park in Cambridge with the Scouts.

Looking forward

The new term is still to be planned however the Cubs will be taking part in Parliament week, visiting a recycling centre.


We have 1 Camp and 1 Sleepover planned for November at Copley, one for our new sixers and seconders and a pizza party for those attending the swimming gala. We also have the potential for another in December.


139 Awarded, 37 Due