Our nearest Explorer unit is the Cromwell Explorers or Nulli Secundi Sea Explorers, both are based in St Ives.
You can also get involved as a Young Leader with any of the other sections. The Young Leader scheme gives you the opportunity to develop your own skills while also giving back to other young people and helping them enjoy everything Scouting has to offer. All the help and training you need is provided, it’s great fun and counts towards the DofE award. If you’d like to find out more about becoming a young leader please get in touch using the contact us form!
Explorers is for young people aged between 14 and 18.
Explorers are encouraged to lead themselves in deciding the programme and direction of the Unit, with support and guidance from leaders. The section also includes the Young Leaders’ Scheme, where young people are able to take on a leadership role in one of the younger sections.
There is wider scope for activities like offshore sailing, campaigning, performing, parascending, mountaineering and expeditions.